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Festival 2023 Christmas Bulletin

Kia Ora

Greetings from New Zealand/Aotearoa

As the 2022 year closes, we are not just counting down until Christmas but also counting down the days until the Festival, it is just under 4 months away and we know that the time will pass super quickly.

This bulletin is to bring you up to date with a few little things:

  1. 118 days to go until we are all together.

  2. We are looking forward to receiving all the team bios by 15th December 2022. We don't want you to miss out being in the programme, so get these in quickly.

  3. Thank you for resending the individual photos so that we can present you in the best light on your ID cards.

  4. There will be at least 2500 people on site for the festival.

  5. All our member team country flags will be present as we go into the opening ceremony.

  6. We have named our mascot, KAHA the Taniwha. This little dragon is only available in a very limited quantity of 100 so as soon as you see her at the festival snap her up quickly.

  7. Clothing merchandise will be available for pre-order soon.

  8. Festival paddles are in production. There will be some extras available for sale at the venue.

  9. The training day for Hamilton based breast cancer survivor teams is Tuesday 11th of April 2023.

  10. The training day for Cambridge, Rotorua, and Tauranga based breast cancer survivor teams is Wednesday 12 April 2023

  11. Specific training times on these days will be notified direct to your team managers in the new year. You don’t need you to contact us about the time, we will contact you.

Wishing you all the most amazing Christmas holiday break with your whanau (family) and the most wonderful New Year. We are so excited and looking forward to seeing you in 2023.

Meri Kirihimete me te Hari tau hou! (Merry Christmas and Happy New Year)

The festival organising committee:

Meri, Deb, Brooke and Andrew

Christmas tree at the beach with mascot Kaha the Taniwha
Summer Christmas Tree with mascot Kaha the Taniwha!



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