Dear paddlers,
We are currently receiving inquiries about aspects of the festival; these queries relate mostly to lodging the individual paddler team member registration information.
We DO NOT want you to enter any of this data on the registration platforms as they currently stand. The team managers will be sent a link to register everyone’s participant information. This applies whether you are a paddler or a supporter. The manager will be directed to enter this information on the Revolutionise Sport platform which has been specifically programmed to the requirements for the festival. The portal will open on 1st August, and you will have one month to enter all the data fields.
We appreciate that some team member names may change due to unforeseen circumstances, or things may change between the closure of the portal on 30th September and the start of the festival. We can update or change this information provided we are given the changes in a timely manner.
The portal will ask for comprehensive information with regards to how many people are attending. There will be a link on this portal to include a photo for your ID card, medical diagnosis of breast cancer, fitness to paddle, accommodation details (for coach transfers), your T-shirt size and dietary requirements, etc. Whilst very detailed this information is critical.
The portal has been trialled by a selected group of registrants and any issues that may have arisen have been modified. We know the portal works and how long it takes to enter your data. For those of you entering the data on behalf of your team you will be sent a comprehensive guide on how to do this. Any individuals attending will also be asked to enter their relevant data.
We thank you in advance and we appreciate your compliance with this matter.
Nga mihi
Festival Organising Committee.
